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Augmentation mammoplasty, or also known as breast prosthesis surgery, is one of the most performed surgeries in the world and, according to American scientific studies, it has little or no interference in breastfeeding, doubts the majority performed in the consultation.

With this procedure, the patient can increase breast volume, improve the appearance of the body, harmonize the body, especially in the proportions of the hips with the chest.

The procedure is especially indicated for patients who have developed a small mammary gland (hypomastia) or who, after breastfeeding, have suffered a great loss of breast volume, without reaching the breast sag (breast ptosis).

The selection of the size of the prostheses is the result of an exchange of information between doctor and patient.

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Depending on each patient, the following can be used: site with sedation, epidural or general anesthesia.


Breast prosthesis surgery has several approaches, which will depend on the desire of each patient, the anatomical possibility of performing it and the surgeon's criteria. The different incisions to place the prosthesis are: periareolar (around the areola) and submammary fold. The position of the prostheses is a topic widely discussed during the consultation, and it should be discussed in advance with the surgeon, determining which would be the most suitable location for each patient. It is possible to place the prosthesis below the mammary gland, below the muscle or in two planes (double plane).


There are several types of breast implants on the market. Depending on the patient's type of breast, her personal desire and the chosen surgical plan (submuscular, subglandular, dual plan) will be the indication for each case.

Breast implants can vary in profile, content and packaging. The profile can be round (high, moderate or short) or anatomical. The contents can be cohesive silicone gel or saline solution and the packaging can be smooth or textured.


It is usually 12 to 24 hours. It is usually a well tolerated surgery.


The first few days are often uncomfortable, the patient usually requires an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. You are often asked not to perform physical exercises, such as lifting your arms above your shoulder. In case drains are needed, they are removed between the 1st and 3rd day after surgery. If the patient has no complications, she usually drives again 30 days after the intervention.


Although rare, they can occur: hematomas, infections, asymmetries, hypertrophic scars or keloids, capsular contracture, prosthesis extrusion, stretch marks, rejection.


Like any surgery, recovery is progressive. During the first month, there will be reduction of edema and inflammation, although the changes are already visible. Temporary and reversible loss of sensation may occur. During the sixth month, a breast will be observed very close to the final result, understanding that changes can be expected until the first year.

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